
Saturday, June 28, 2014

Publisher, Xlibris.

I am beyond disappointed in Xlibris Publishing. ..

CHALK WHITE FEAR is still available directly from author and many retail outlets. 

I appreciate everyone who has bought Chalk White Fear, and would appreciate any comments. I would like to use the comments on my new website with your permission. Thanks you so much.

Linda Richardson

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

New - About the author of Chalk White Fear

I was born in Tucson, Arizona and moved to East Texas with my parents at the age of three. I attended a community college in Dallas County, Texas and raised my family a little east of Dallas County. I moved to Texas Hill Countriy in 2002.I have four wonderful children. As of this writing I am the proud grandparent of nine grandchildren, five great grandchildren, and still growing.
Through my children, I learned to be a parent. I learned to accept love. Through my youngest child, I learned patience and love without conditions. Through life experiences, I found a faith uniquely mine. My life is not loaded with initials, labels and accomplishments. For me, each day is new, unique, and stands on its own. Writing has been a lifetime hobby. I’ve written many poems and short stories over the years. I finally decided to put the dream of writing a book into action, and CHALK WHITE FEAR came naturally into being. Some of the other hobbies I enjoy are reading, painting, and walking. I love to play cards and domino games.

As a youngster, I grew up feeling like I just existed day to day. I often found myself in my private prayer place, asking God "Why do I have to be here." I didn't want to simply exist. I needed and wanted a reason for being. The feelings of empty existence stayed with me until I had my children. The void seemed to be fading away and I knew in my heart there was more to come.

My sons are grown with children of their own now. Later I will add some pictures if they will give me the ok. One daughter still lives with me. God has granted her with sweet innocence and now I know she was in his plan all along.

Oh, if I didn't mention that I might be old, but then I may be in denial. Keep checking this website; I may admit it someday.

Yours Truly,